About us

We are Love Delivered - expert British flower growers based in the heart of Lincolnshire specialising in seasonal blooms. The seasonal flowers for your beautiful bouquets are grown on our nursery and sourced from local growers and farmers. When we cannot grow or source locally we use sustainable and ethical international growers.

From our greenhouses to your home

Ethical growing
From ethical growing to using 100% recyclable packaging – we take our ethical responsibilities seriously.
Our Tulips are grown hydroponically, meaning no peat is used – just water! This eliminates the need for pesticides and preserves the peat bogs.
Our flowers are irrigated using recycled rainwater, collected from our roof gutters and stored onsite in reservoirs.
Eco-friendly heating
During the winter, to keep our flowers warm, we use a Biomass heating system and therefore do not burn any fossil fuels or produce harmful emissions.
The Biomass uses recycled wood such as end-of-life pallets and fruit packaging. When we need to keep the flowers cool, we have solar panels to assist with our electricity use.